Babaji's Message on Shree Durga Saptshati Maha Shivir


Happy Ascension Day!

This is a ShivYog day, created by Shivyogis -­- You have done it!

Youhave helped the planet earth to ascend to higher dimension, to the fourth dimension, and you have helped the whole humanity. So wonderful! I Love you so much! Even the Cosmic Creation – the Shiva and Shakti love you so much! You know, the kind of human chain which you have created? Do you know howmuch of positive energies you all and cometogether and created in this world? If you takepictures of planet earth from a satellite, then you will see golden energies moving all


Some sadhaks sent me pictures of the shivirs (Durga Saptshati) that started on 19th December. Huge globules were observed in which the divine beings travel, full of sohuge globules, like Gods, Divine Beings and Angels from higher dimensions, all have come to witness this event. See, how many powers are hidden within you! Finally, you have done it. As Imentioned earlier that 21st December 2012 is an Ascension Day for Shivyogis, because this is what you all are seeking.

One thing I will make you recall once again that“Dukh mein sabsimran kare, sukh mein kare na koye, aur sukh mein joh simran kare toh dukh kaahe ko hoye.” (meaning-­-In sorrow everyone prays, in happiness none. To the one who prays inhappiness, why would sorrow come?)

At this time, the Guru had given you an instruction and you also had understood your responsibility that the negative energies have to be transmuted and the divine energy of God has to be spread all over the earth…. and you did these Durga Saptshati shivirs. I also, opened my treasures and offered you the valuable treasure of the sacred Beej Mantras to reach it out to every household. This was agreat need of the hour. Are you feeling this great energy and divinity? And, you will see that those who are doing sadhna with a pure mind (intentions) will start receiving good news and many good things will surely start happening in your lives. And, asI said that“Sukh mein joh simran kare toh dukh kahe ko hoye”(To the one who prays in happiness, why would sorrow come?), now you have also seen this an example -­-Science and scriptures were talking about this day and future predictions were made about it -­-that this day is a Doomsday, but Shivyogis had been saying that ‘we will spread positive energy to the whole humanity and change the whole scenario by converting this day into an Ascension Day. If this has evidently been accomplished today, then make this Durga Saptashati Sadhna an integral part of your life, and this is not the end of the Durga Saptashati Shivirs, but this marks the auspicious beginning of the Durga Saptashati Shivirs. The Divine Mother has shownyou Her existence, that if you call by Her name and remember Her, irrespective of whether it is the Shumb Nishumb demon, or Mahishasura demon or the Raktbeej,She will come promptly to ravage all the demons (thedemonic nature within humans) and safeguard Her devotees. You have evidenced and experienced it all.

Now, I wish that after you attending the Shivirs and receiving the blessings and benefits, now you become the medium to conduct these Shivirs for all those people who are deprived of the not being able to receive this sacred Sadhna, which wa still now rare, and unreachable even into great scholars; I have now reached it to you! Now, you become the medium and reach theDurga Sapshati shivirs from home to home, village to village. Let there spread everywhere apositive energy and let the divine energies start flowing everywhere. ‘Lokah samastahsukhino bhavantu’ (meaning -­-May all beings everywhere be happy and free); with such an aim you come together andwork together for this task.Prevailing from the old times, to invoke the blessings of Maa Bhagwati, we used to conduct Devi Jagrans to thank the Mother and in these Devi Jagrans, the Durga Saptashati Paath was recited but gradually we forgot thisand started chanting the devotional songs and hymns on film tunes. I have now in the formal way, not only taught you Durga Saptshati, but have also opened up for you Beej Mantras, which was only known to the Avdhootas and the yogis living in the Himalayan terrains. It is that Shakti sadhna which was with them, that I reached to you all. Now, whenever in your life, you have the blessings of the Divine Mother, you must organize and Durga Saptshati Chowkis in your homes, just like you did the Devi chowkis and jagrans. Replacethoseunnecessary expenditures you do these events with intense purity to benefit others, just as you yourself were benefited. And,I am telling you the truth – the dosha (faults or impurities) of the homes in which these sacred Beej Mantras are recited collectively are removed and so are the impurities of the people reciting it. When Prasad (holy offering) that is distributed to people the Mother’s blessings passes down to many generations.

At the same time, as I had asked you to love everyone, I am very happy, that you all have started giving unconditional love to all, you are loving and respecting all your family members. Remember, the devotees of Goddess always honor the females.If you are honoring your mother, the Goddess will shower her blessings upon you. If you are loving and honoring your wife, Maa Bhagwati will shower Her blessings upon you. If you are honoring your sister and right fully nurturingyour daughter, Goddess Bhagwati will shower a lot of blessings. Goddess Bhagwati has three forms – MahaKaali, MahaLakshmi and MahaSaraswati. The blessings of all these three forms of Goddess Bhagwati will be showered upon the devotee who lovingly honors hismother, wife, daughter and sister. MahaKaali gives Shakti (energy), MahaLakshmi gives prosperity and MahaSaraswati gives wisdom. That is why, in ShivYog, I say ‘Unconditional Love’. When any family member quarrels with you, then what has to be done? Remember,what did I say? Just….. Give…. Love…. Now, there shouldn’t be any disputes or arguments at home; whatever one says the other listens -­-charity begins at home. Give each other unconditional love and along with that, spread this love to the whole world and whole humanity. Love has power, in forgiveness only there is power and merge your mind with the Supreme. Every morning, perform the Beej Mantra Sadhna. Very soon, I am going to give you the further higher wisdom of this rare Sadhna and it’s methods; how it should be done in the Navratas and if you want to reach up to the highest summit of the Shakti Sadhna, then I will slowly share these with you very soon.

The one who does the Sadhana of Maa Bhagwati is immensely blessed and you have evidently experienced it. Today is 21st December 2012. The Sadhna that you all have done – you have become the medium to spread the golden energy over the entire earth and to dispel the darkness and the demoniac powers that were waiting to harm the humans. Just like the Gods prayed to Goddess Bhagwati -­- ‘Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Matri Rupena Samsthita, Namas Tasyai, Namas Tasyai, Namas Tasyai Namo Namah’and Maa Bhagwati (To that goddess who abides in all beings as power, Salutations, Salutations, Salutations to Thee, again, and again.) and as they prayed, the Divine Mother inthe form of Mahishasura Mardini came and freed them from the demoniac powers of Mahishasur. In the same way, you all came together, invoked Goddess Bhagwati by performing the Durga Saptashati Sadhana and these demonic powers due to which the whole earth was being disturbed nowhasbegun becoming peaceful.

Today, the ‘Day of Judgment’ has been converted by you all as ‘Day of Ascension’. The one who worship andpray to the Supreme Lord and does Sadhna, reaps the fruits. And, he who receives these fruits gets involved in seva and acts as a medium to spread these benefits to thousands of people then he initiates adivine task. Onhim, his family and his forth coming generations ,is bestowed the blessings and grace of the God and Guru. Our sadhaks, who with a selfless intention, on just receiving the Guru’s instruction, without seeing day or night, organized these Shivirs by even utilizing a part of their income, are receive immense blessings of Maa Bhagwati. The Guru is whole-­-heartedly blessing them, that you have took up the task of the Divine and reached God’s grace to so many people. I thank all those organizers and volunteers who have toiled day and night for this divine task. I bless them all with all my heart. Whenever I do sadhna, I pray for them, “O Bhagwati, these are Your children, they are doing your work, please continue blessing them with your grace, always keep blessing everyone in their family with your grace, and please live in their lives always, keeping your hand on their heads at all times. To all the volunteers, and to all Shivyog sadhaks, who at this particular time did selfless service, wherever they made the Shivir possible in all places, I bless them. In the time to come, they will experience this grace even more. This divine work that you have expanded, now extend it even further. Become the instrument to reach Lord Shiva’s and Mother Bhagwati’s grace to every household and become the best human beings…. Namah Shivaya. 2012 has become verybeautiful, and during this 2012 a lot of sewa was done by him (Ishan ji). In my sadhana… just the way the sons of sages takescare, in the same way did Ishan ji carry out his service to me. The example that I gave you of unconditional love, so did Ishan ji give a lot of love to his mother. And you know that he is married… He also did give a lot of love to his wife, and he spread full unconditional love and spread golden energy. This is what you all also have to do. And,
after this there will be another little one soon in his lap, and same in future generations too…. and this is how family should be: love energy; caring for each other is the way a Shivyogi should be. Now you can say………(to Ishanji)).

Namah Shivaya. Babaji always told me, look at nature. Nature can teach you a lot. A delightful thing – You observe the life of the bee. It just flies from flower to flower, collecting honey for it self. It is just doing its work, nothing else. But the interesting thing is that every time it flies from one flower to another, it is unknowingly involved inpollination. A bee while simply during its lifetime, creates so many trees, creates so many dense forests….. how much of good does it do. Now, it’s life itself is that way. It is simply doing its work. When it moves around, it doesn’t think “I will create the trees… I will pollinate… or… will do something…”. It just does it’s work and simultaneously on it’s own nature keeps benefiting out of it. My Baba is also similar. When I look at his life, I do not see him moving planning or deciding that… “I will do good to this many people… or today I will feed this many children…. or today this many animals will be benefitted…”. It is nothing of this sort. Baba has made Himself so much like the Sun, that that wherever He goes, He is just doing his contemplation…. He is just following his nature, but His nature has become that of evolution. Wherever He goes, humanity automatically start benefiting. Wherever He goes, free food centers open up, and wherever He goes, people experience an emotion of excitement, love, happiness automatically.

My Baba asked me, “TumChahte Kya Ho” (What is it that you seek?) Now, the delightful thing in this – if I say what is it that I want, then one kind of seeking is…. “I want a car,a house, nice shoes…”. Of course; these are nice things…. a little selfish, a little 100% (materialistic). But, in the year 2012,I learnt ‘TumChahte Kya Ho (What is it that you seek?)’– Even this seeking, make it 200%. What is it that I should seek that wherever I go, my nature also becomes like my Baba’s nature, like the quality of Sun light. What should I seek that wherever I go, the flowers bloom, trees grow and in the whole of nature begins a song,a dance, laughter and play. What is it that I should seek that I live my life…. live a happy life! And, by living my existence the whole nature and humanity be benefitted for good. This is what I have learnt; now it’s your turn – Start living this life. Namah Shivaya!

Namah Shivaya! I was sitting in meditation and Ishan asked me that it is true that those who are coming for Sadhna are experiencing a lot of bliss and happiness, their houses have become happier. But what has really happened?– That vibration, that energy moving towards the fourth dimension, where is it and how does it look? I said, “Dear son, get me that fruit that has fallen from the tree, bring it to me.” It was an apple and he brought it to me. I asked him to cut it. When he did, there was a small seed in it. I asked him what did he find when he cutit. He replied saying that he found the seed. I asked him to break the seed. It was difficult for him and with the help of a knife, he cut the seed. Now, I asked him what did he find in it. He replied, “Nothing.” I said that in this “nothing” is hidden another tree. In this nothing is hidden thousands and lacs of apples and they will keep growing more further. You, ShivYogis also have created this “nothing” –a positive energy,a confidence, an ascension. All this you all have created; it can not be perceived by the physical eyes. What is not seen in reality exists and that which exists is need not be there in reality. A positive energy has been generated, a love energy has been generated, and feeling of belongingness have been generated. You see, sadhaks are coming forward and offering food to thousands of people. Individuals are arranging tents and mattresses for the sitting and comfort of thousands in shivirs. Sadhaks are coming forward willingly and running around to organize shivirs so as to share the knowledge to thousands of people that the Guru has imparted. This is that divine energy, a change, that wasn’t there earlier. People are loving each other at home – this is a change that wasn’t there earlier. Happiness cannot be seen but felt; Divinity cannot be seen but felt. God can not be seen with these two eyes but is felt. And, the wonderful thing is that, in fact, the Divine has begun to become visible. A child sent me pictures from Pune, where thousands of people had come to attend the Durga Saptashati Shivir on December 20, 2012, and there were huge globules captured in the photographs. Globules are an indication thatt he divine powers have descended upon. I am telling the truth, we (Siddhas) can see. All the powers of Maa Bhagwati are onearth during this period. She is blessing and protecting all of you. God, who is invisible, you all have invoked God’s presence on earth with your devotion, faith…… I bless you. Namah Shivaya

Namah Shivaya! During this time, Babaji has inspired everyone to do sadhna, to perform the Durga Saptashati Paath, because Babaji could see that at this time the divine feminine energies were highly active and that the sadhna, meditation and worship done during this period, would take the human towards completeness. Babaji has simplified your path towards making you complete and it was for this reason He said to give attention on your ascension and to focus on only those divine feminine energies that are active currently. The services that you have undertaken for the ascension, is very praise worthy…. you yourself did, and inspired others also to do that they also be able to do the Durga Saptashati Paath and you have planted the small plants of the Been Mantra Durga Saptashati Sadhna, which will one day bear fruits….consistently to be involved in sadhna activities so that the dreams that Baba envisioned, shall surely manifest. Namah Shivaya.

So, bless you! Namah Shivaya! Remember always, that “Sukh meinjohsimran kare, dukh kabhi nahoye”. So, therefore, now, make this an integral part of your life. I wanted to show you evidently to you that Maa Bhagwati has immense powers. It is all her grace and you all are experiencing this grace!

OmNamah Shivaya!

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